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Welcome to C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology


C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology is the pioneer center to establish the disciplineof Biotechnology in south Gujarat region.

It offers 5 year M.Sc. integrated Biotechnology, 5 year M.Sc. integrated Microbiology,2 year (post graduate) M.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Sc. Microbiology as well as Ph.D.programme in Biotechnology and Microbiology.

It has developed state of the art infrastructure and study environment with modern amenities and blossoming into the first choice of the student of this region.


  • To integrate our education, research, innovation and enterprise for the long-term benefit of humanity.


  • To have a radical approach towards education, research and innovation, this will inspire staff, students and other stakeholders to understand how the world is envisaged and how knowledge is created and shared in global perspective.


  • To manage total quality in everyday proceedings.
  • To pay primary importance to incorporate innovative learning and teaching tools and research methodology.
  • To give exposure to the students about recent developments in academic research and technology by organizing lectures from expert personalities from around the globe.
  • To enhance confidence level of the students by regular monitoring through a comprehensive evolution system.

Other endeavours

  • In addition to academics, the students are introduced to personality development programmes which would help them to be moulded into capable individuals.
  • Importance is also given to extracurricular activities which would bring out hidden talents in the students and encourage them to nurture them in future.
  • Overall the students are trained in every possible way so that they become responsible, competent and endearing citizens.

Principal Themes

  • Academic headship rooted in intellectual excellence.
  • A leader in the integration of education and research.
  • Addressing global challenges through disciplinary excellence and distinctive cross-disciplinary approach.
  • Creating global impact through a network of innovative international activities, collaborations and partnership.

Key Enablers

  • Giving students the best support, facilities and opportunities.
  • Valuing equality and diversity among staff.
  • Creating systems and practices in support of CGBIBT's vision.
  • Maintaining a sustainable environment to meet our aspirations.
  • Communicating and engaging effectively with the global community.


Dr. Meonis A. Pithawala

Dr. Meonis A. Pithawala, M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor & Director

Biotechnology is no longer a fledging technology; it is a driving force in the region and the state, as well as the world.

The Program is doing well and continues to contribute to the great mission of research, education and outreach by the institute. With the unique staff, I feel confident that the present academic program will continue to be a catalyst for new endeavors in education and training in biotechnology and Microbiology and its related disciplines.

I intend to apply my vision, passion, discipline and conscience to develope the program and continue the legacy of innovation and visionary leadership. Let's work together to create a better tomorrow.