"Solank Bhumika won the first rank and Govani Dharti won the second rank at UG - Biotechnolgy, Gujarat State Level for Minaxi Lalit Science Award 2012 Test conducted by Gujarat Science Congress. The winners are felicidated on 26th February 2012 at M.S.University of Baroda, C.C.Mehta Auditorium during the function of Gujarat Science Congress 2012". Dr.R.Krishnamurthy,Director of C.G.Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology congratulates the winners on behalf of Uka Tarsadia University,Maliba Campus.
Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) sponsors Biotechnology Aptitude Test (BAT) for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The test is conducted by Pharma Care Society every year for UG and PG level students in the field of Biotechnology. BAT is an online examination designed to search talent pool in the students of Biotechnology, Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Life Sciences Biosciences and Agricultural Sciences.
To shape the overall talent of students at CGBIBT, students are encouraged to participate in such competitive examinations. 18 students from PG and 04 students from UG of C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Tarsadi, had participated in Biotechnology Aptitude Test - 2012 on 12th and 13th February 2012.
It is a matter of immense pleasure to share that Gujarat Science Academy organizes "Minaxi Lalit Science Award Test" every year, at undergraduate and postgraduate level. We are happy to have the center for the same at C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology for the first time.
In previous years, one of our students, Ajay Desai had been topped from our institute for the same test at PG level.
This year we had total 89 registrations which included:
The test comprises of 50 MCQ and an essay type questions.
Dr. Krishnamurthy has participated as a Chair Person in Congress and also presented Research paper on "Medicinal Plant Kaucha breeding lines introduction for commercialization in south Gujarat region"
Prittesh Patel and Pundlik Ware has given oral presentation on "Phytoremediation by Rhizofiltration of sewage by using Eichhornia, Pistia and Azolla near Tapovan, Nashik"
Dr. Bhavesh Joshi & Aparna Tailor have presented poster on "Characterization and Optimization of Siderophore production from Pseudomonas Fluorescens strain isolated from Sugarcane Rhizosphere"
Dr Prity Parmar has presented poster on "Biodegradation of Resorcinol by Pseudomonas Species isolated from industrially contaminated soil sample"
Shyama Mehta has presented poster on "Mutagenicity of Endosulfan by Salmonella reverse mutation assay"
MODI KRUNAL GOVINDBHAI | Teaching Assistant in C.G.Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology | Cleared GSLET (gujarat state level eligibility test for lecturership) examination held on 23 oct 2010 in subject of llife science. |
SHETH URJITA VIJAYKANT | Teaching Assistant in C.G.Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology | Cleared GATE 2011, with all india rank of 1941 out of 16425 candidates appeared in exam, with marks 44.67 out of 100 and with GATE score 349 in the subject of Biotechnology. | |
Aparna J. Tailor | Assistant Professor in C.G.Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology | clearing CSIR-UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) successfully with 18th rank all over India. |
Ms. Nilofer Sheikh | Teaching Assistant in C.G.Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology | Cleared GATE 2012, with all india rank of 651 out of 10737 candidates appeared in exam, with marks 40.33 out of 100 and with GATE score 396 in the subject of Life Science. |
Dr. R. KRISHANAMURTHY,Professor and Director at C.G.Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology has been invited as guest of honour and also delivered a speech on "medicinal plant based products" at UGC sponserd national conference on bioinformatics and computational biology held on 23-24 sept 2011 at lachoo memorial college of science and technology college ,Jodhpur